01 MARCH 2024
L’ho imparato da papà: col lavoro e la tenacia i sogni possono diventare progetti e i progetti diventano realtà. Così ho iniziato a lavorare più di vent’anni fa sul patrimonio tradizionale e culturale siciliano e lo scorso anno, a Siracusa, con Terra ca nun senti, insieme a tanti amici e artisti straordinari abbiamo realizzato un evento meraviglioso sulla nostra Sicilia.
Sono emozionatissima: ora Terra ca nun senti sarà nell’Anfiteatro Romano di Pompei, l’8 giugno e in giro per il mondo. Vi aspetto!
Prevendite attive da domani, 2 marzo, alle ore 11.
18 APRIL 2023
Fanclub Carmen Consoli Annualità 2023
Carmen Consoli Official Fanclub 2023
La pagina Carmen Consoli Fan Club da oggi viene riconosciuta come ufficiale e si occuperà del Fanclub autonomamente da Narciso e da Otr Live.
È possibile iscriversi e rinnovare l’iscrizione al Carmen Consoli Fanclub, ufficializzato da Narciso Records e OTR Live, compilando il form al link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kadVycNxRQ7uEgZvvZ66UuOsk6U_Li5mCVXA1NGm7bw/edit?hl=it
L’iscrizione è a titolo gratuito.
L’iscrizione al Carmen Consoli Fanclub dà diritto a:
- accesso prioritario (in alcune date che saranno comunicate) prima dell’apertura dei cancelli compatibilmente alle esigenze logistiche e di produzione;
- possibilità di partecipare a meet and greet o eventuali attività che la produzione organizzerà;
- possibilità di ricevere contenuti esclusivi dell’artista iscrivendosi al canale Telegram dedicato (https://t.me/carmenconsolifanclub).
Il Fanclub ufficiale di Carmen diventa
- https://www.instagram.com/carmenconsolifanclub/
- https://www.facebook.com/carmenconsolifanclub
14 APRIL 2023
Sinceramente: chi se lo aspettava?! Quando a New York, ormai 17 anni fa, mi hanno detto che c’era Elvis Costello che voleva salutarmi, Elvis Costello che era stato seduto lì tra il pubblico ad ascoltarmi, ero incredula. Costello, che ha forgiato la musica mondiale dagli anni Settanta in poi…
Ora ho tre concerti con lui, insieme sul palco, a condividere le stesse note, inventare armonie, riscrivere canzoni: chi se lo aspettava?! La musica continua ad essere la mia ‘piccola magia’. Grazie Elvis!
28/08 - Roma - Cavea Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone - PREVENDITE
29/08 - Palermo - Teatro di Verdura - PREVENDITE
31/08 - Milano - Castello Sforzesco - PREVENDITE
17 MARCH 2023
Carmen Consoli è stata scelta per partecipare al Womad UK. Fondato nel 1980 da Peter Gabriel, da oltre quarant’anni è uno dei più importanti festival di musica e cultura e ospita oltre 150 musicisti di livello mondiale. Una grande festa che si terrà durante tutto il weekend di fine luglio, tra padiglioni di arte e letteratura globale. Ma prima di far tappa al Charlton Park - il prossimo 29 luglio - Carmen sarà protagonista dell’anteprima della prima edizione romana del Womad. Lo farà insieme a un’altra grandissima artista portoghese, Mariza, il 7 giugno alla Cavea dell’ Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone di Roma.
Biglietti in prevendita su TicketOne da lunedì 20 marzo ore 16.
15 MARCH 2023
Carmen Consoli sarà protagonista di un’estate incredibile piena di novità che non vediamo l’ora di comunicarvi!
Nell’attesa si ritorna a viaggiare in Italia con due tournée differenti che si intrecceranno e alterneranno: in trio con Massimo Roccaforte alle chitarre e Adriano Murania al violino e in duo, con la sua amica di sempre Marina Rei alla batteria.
Carmen Consoli con Massimo Roccaforte e Adriano Murania
Carmen Consoli feat. Marina Rei
24 FEBRUARY 2023
Carmen Consoli torna alle sue radici, riparte dalla sua terra accompagnata da una grande orchestra popolare che esalterà il suo variegato e affascinante mondo vocale, tra brani della tradizione siciliana, canzone d’autore e nuove commistioni.
Il prossimo 15 luglio, al Teatro Greco di Siracusa, risuonerà "Terra ca nun senti", uno straordinario evento musicale, un viaggio nella Sicilia di oggi e di ieri, tra racconto, suoni e tradizioni che oltrepassano i confini dell'isola per diventare musica del mondo. Una serata speciale per valorizzare l'immenso tesoro della world music siciliana.
Link Prevendite
30 JANUARY 2023
È arrivato il momento di tornare a viaggiare per l’Europa!
Dopo un intenso tour in Sud America, ad aprile partirà il #VolevoFareLaRockstarEuropeanTour2023.
Si parte da Bruxelles, per poi toccare Berlino, Parigi, Praga, Lisbona, Madrid e Barcellona.
ph. Simona Panzini
04 OCTOBER 2022
Carmen torna con un nuovo tour internazionale che la vedrà esibirsi sui palcoscenici oltreoceano con le sue chitarre, e un featuring d’eccezione: Marina Rei. Le due artiste, amiche e colleghe da oltre vent’anni, tornano a suonare insieme dopo lo spettacolare live al Lucca Summer Festival, nella stessa sera di Robert Plant.
Un set inedito ad alto contenuto rock, con le chitarre di Carmen e la batteria di Marina. Un live graffiante e seducente insieme, un concerto che porterà sul palco i grandi successi della cantantessa reinterpretati in maniera assolutamente nuova.
04 MARCH 2022
Carmen Consoli is ready to resume the live scene and from June back on tour with a series of highly anticipated appointments. The singer, after having sold out one after another with her latest theatrical tour that had fascinated the public for its original division into three acts - typical of the theater - now enriches each of them and transforms it into a concert at itself, with new atmospheres and new sounds, between rock, acoustic and electronic.
Thus was born a wonderful journey through Italy with three distinct formations, depending on the location that will host it: “Volevo fare la rockstar TOUR”, “Acoustic” and “Femme Fatale”.
The main line-up will be the full band of "Volevo fare la rockstar TOUR", with seven exceptional musicians (Antonio Marra on drums, Marco Siniscalco on bass, Massimo Roccaforte on guitars, Adriano Murania on violin, Emilia Belfiore on violin, Concetta Sapienza on clarinet and Elena Guerriero at the piano), and on some special occasions, linked to the atmosphere and suggestions of the place, Carmen will perform in "Acoustic" with Adriano Murania's violin and Massimo Roccaforte's guitars, and in "Femme fatale", in an extraordinary and fiery female duo, guitar and drums, with Marina Rei.
The tour will start on June 18 from La Salle in the Aosta Valley (Musicastelle) and will continue in a constantly updated calendar throughout the summer between the largest summer festivals and the most fascinating locations on the peninsula. Among the scheduled appointments there will also be the big concert on July 14 at the Lucca Summer Festival where Carmen will perform on the same evening as superstar Robert Plant and 27-time Grammy Alison Krauss.
The presales for the new tour, organized and produced by Francesco Barbaro for OTR, will be open on ticketone and in all authorized points of sale.
The dates currently confirmed and updated are:
June 18 - Musicastelle - La Salle (Aosta Valley)
5 July, Flowers Festival - Collegno (TO)
July 6, Ravenna Festival 2022 - Ravenna
8 July, Piazza Duomo - Messina
July 14, Lucca Summer Festival - Lucca
28 July, Cavea Auditorium Parco Della Musica - Rome Summer Fest - Rome
30 July, Parco Dei Suoni - Riola Sardo (OR)
August 13, Locus Festival - Locorotondo (BA)
August 28, Arena Sferisterio - Macerata
8 September, Carroponte - Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
(Presales not yet active will be shortly)
03 MARCH 2022
Symbol of female Italian rock and turning artist in rock songwriting, Carmen Consoli will go up on the stage of the first and already highly anticipated evening of the Lucca Summer Festival on 14 July. An evening during which one of the greatest frontmen in rock history - Robert Plant - and one of the most important and awarded Country Music artists - Alison Krauss will perform.
Tickets already available on www.luccasummerfestival.it
09 AUGUST 2021
Carmen Consoli's live on August 25 at the Verona Arena is confirmed and will take place in compliance with the new anti Covid regulations. While preparations are underway for what will be one of the musical events of the year, a series of necessary communications. Following the safety requirements, the plant has been remodeled, the places will then be reassigned trying as far as possible to keep the original sector. Those in possession of a ticket purchased on Ticketone will receive an email with the new seats in the next few days; On the other hand, those who have purchased at the points of sale, unable to be contacted by email, will have to write to ticketing@otrlive.it indicating the sector, row and seat, the new assignment will also be sent to them. To access the concert, it is necessary to have a Green Pass or a certification of a negative antigenic pad carried out in the previous 48 hours. Upon entry, identity will be verified by checking a valid document. All information on www.otrlive.it/faq-covid/
18 DECEMBER 2019
Twenty-five years on average that have made the revolution: these are the years of Carmen Consoli's career that, with refined texts, exaggerated sarcasm and the ability to paint words, the Sicilian singer-songwriter will celebrate in 2020 with a spectacular concert-event on August 25th at Arena di Verona (produced and organized by OTR).
A date without replies in which the artist, image of female rock in Italy, will be accompanied by her iconic pink fender and by the many colleagues and friends who have joined her in her extraordinary artistic journey, retracing a page of music and successes without equal .
The first guests announced of the expected event are Samuele Bersani and Max Gazzè, brilliant artists and close-knit "accomplices", and many others will be added during these months.
Active presales on Ticketone.it
Carmen Consoli returns to tread the stages all over the world with "Eco di Sirene", starting in November 2019.
Havana, Santiago de Chile, New York, Boston, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco: the tour arrives overseas!
01 APRIL 2019
New summer event for Cantantessa, on June 21st at Parco Tittoni in Desio for an electric live together with Massimo Roccaforte, Luciana Luccini and Antonio Marra.
26 MARCH 2019
A summer on stage for Carmen! Several projects that will see her on the stages of some of the most evocative festivals in Italy. The first live announced is that of 8 July at the Occit'amo Festival in Saluzzo (CN). Together with her, Massimo Roccaforte on guitar, Luciana Luccini on bass and Antonio Marra on drums.
16 JUNE 2018
Today, after a few weeks, I can read more clearly the feeling of gratitude that runs through my heart.
It is gratitude for the very existence of Namastè and for her modern heroine, Laura Boria, who with great tenacity, altruism and strength managed to keep alive in all these years a reality outside the box like that of Namastè: a place where diversity is indeed wealth, a home where the family is the affection that can give us who is close to us regardless of blood ties, is an innovative model of education and rehabilitation, which knows how to enhance the qualities of each one without mortifying anyone.
I am grateful to the great heart of my friends Elisa, Samuele, Marina, Max, Daniele, Mario, Finaz and Erriquez who were able to grasp the profound meaning of this project thanks to their rare sensitivity and with great generosity they lent their precious and refined art , their different energies, their smiles, the intensity of their spirit so that this little miracle came true. Many thanks to all of them!
Thanks to the choir of the Librino boys and those of the Bellini choir.
Thanks to Emma Dante and her talented actors Manuela Boncaldo and Salvatore Cannova.
Thanks to Francesco Barbaro, the most courageous, generous and far-sighted manager in the world.
Thanks to my closest collaborators Simona Bonaccorso, Marcella Chiummo, Marianna Petruzzi, Tommaso Galati, Mauro Di Gioia and Luigi Barbaro.
Thanks to my personal assistant, Elena Guerriero, for the impeccable organization and for having accompanied me on Blunotte with her magnificent piano.
Thanks to the mothers and fathers of Namastè (Giuliana, woman Alfio, Mariarosa, Enza and Melina) for the 'amorous' food brought to the tests.
Thanks to the guys at the Nuovo Teatro Stabile of Mascalucia for welcoming us, allowing us to try for free and thanks to Giorgia, Giacomo and Claudia for lending us their voices during the rehearsals.
Thanks Cristine and Mario.
Thanks to Giuseppe and Salvo from Cucina dei Colori for having contributed also for free.
Many thanks also to Susanna Ausoni for styling, Salvo Filetti, Graziella Politi and all the staff of Compagnia della Bellezza and Lidia Amore for make-up: their contribution was also free.
Thanks to OtrLive and Punto e a capo, in particular thanks to Patrizia Alessandria, Pino Barbaro and Nuccio La Ferlita and Alessandra Nalon.
Finally, thanks to the precious band that accompanied us all on stage:
Massimo Roccaforte
Denis Marino
Antonio Marra
Alessandro Monteduro
Marco Siniscalco
Roberto Procaccini
Claudia Della Gatta
Concetta Sapienza
Max Dedo
Adriano Murania
Emilia Belfiore
And also all the technical staff:
Enrico Romanelli
Fabio Lecce
Stefano Mariani
Camilla Ferrari
Alessio Folk
Stefano Cicotelli
Giacomo Citro
The municipality of Catania
Finally, thanks to the wonderful, respectful and composed audience that allowed the success of all this.
A house in Namastè is now a reality.
21 MAY 2018
On June 1, Carmen will be in Catania and will go on stage in Piazza Duomo together with Bandabardò, Samuele Bersani, Elisa, Max Gazzè, Marina Rei, Daniele Silvestri and Mario Venuti for "Carmen Consoli & Friends for Namastè".
The concert-event in favor of the Onlus Namastè, with the aim of raising funds to give a family home to children with mental disabilities, wanted and organized by Carmen, will be a big party that will bring together the artists and friends who have worked together on the same stage. Carmen in her extraordinary artistic journey.
30 MARCH 2018
From 13 April Eco di Sirene will also be a record. The extraordinary acoustic concert that Carmen Consoli has brought to the theaters of Italy and Europe in a female trio, with the tip of a plectrum with violin and cello (respectively Emilia Belfiore and Claudia della Gatta), will be published for Narciso Records / Universal Music in version double CD, double LP and digital, enriched by two new songs, unsettling, provocative: Uomo Topo and Tano. The live Echo di Sirene will thus relive in a great recording project with twenty-two songs recorded live with new arrangements and orchestrations for guitar and strings, written by Carmen herself specifically for the live studio.
The double CD, the double vinyl and the 45 rpm of the two unreleased tracks are already available in pre-order on Amazon. From today it is possible to order "Echo of Sirens" also on iTunes -> https://umi.lnk.to/EcoDiSirene
29 NOVEMBER 2017
The official video for “Bianca” is online on Vevo, the new single from Afterhours with Carmen.
Watch it here!
08 NOVEMBER 2017
Carmen's European tour starts tonight in Turin, always accompanied by Emilia Belfiore and Claudia della Gatta, who will arrive in the great European cities of Berlin, Munich, Paris, London, Brussels, Amsterdam and Dublin.
27 APRIL 2017
On the two dates already announced, a third is added: June 10th!
Carmen will perform this way from 8 to 10 June at the Teatro Greco Romano in Catania.
Three evenings for an exceptional event!
Ph. Michele Maccarrone
19 APRIL 2017
Resounding encore for the great live event by Daniele Silvestri, Carmen Consoli and Max Gazzè, who will perform together for the first time on the stage of the Collisioni Festival! On July 15th, the one on July 14 is added for two fantastic musical evenings with three great Italian artists.
06 APRIL 2017
Carmen's new summer tour will start from Catania: June 8th and 9th at the Greek Roman Theater!
Ph. Riccardo Pinna
03 APRIL 2017
Tomorrow, Carmen will be guest of Fiorello at the "Edicola Fiore" program at 7.30am on SkyUno.
Set the alarm, good morning is guaranteed!
29 MARCH 2017
Carmen will participate in the new edition of "MI AMI 2017", a music festival scheduled from May 25th to 27th at the Milan Idroscalo c / o Circolo Magnolia.
You're all invited!
23 JANUARY 2015
Do you want to be part of the audience of Rai Radio 2 SuperMax with guest Carmen Consoli of 23 January 2015?
Send an e-mail with NAME, SURNAME, CITY, AGE, PHONE to concorsi.universal@gmail.com
The program will be recorded from 12.30, public access will take place by 12.00.
Each e-mail is valid for ONE person. Remember that adults can enter, or people aged 16 and 17 accompanied by an adult and that everyone must have a valid document.
Any assignment of the place will be confirmed by e-mail within the day tomorrow.
We remind you that the registration of Radio 2 SuperMax will take place at the headquarters in Via Asiago 10 in Rome.
21 JANUARY 2015
Mercoledì 21 Gennaio alle ore 11 Carmen sarà in diretta video su Radio 105
21 JANUARY 2015
Carmen Consoli e L'abitudine di tornare.
Puoi acquistarlo su: iTunes, Amazon e Google Play
Ascolta L'abitudine di tornare su Spotify
20 JANUARY 2015
Carmen ospite di Dj chiama Italia. Guarda la puntata.
20 JANUARY 2015
Il secondo appuntamento con il Firmacopie del nuovo album di Carmen sarà a Torino, martedí 20 gennaio, alla Feltrinelli Stazione Porta Nuova, alle ore 19.00.
20 JANUARY 2015
Carmen in diretta il 20 gennaio su Deejay Chiama Italia!
She was the first italian artist to perform at the Rome Olympic Stadium, the only Italian to take part in the celebrations commemorating the death of Bob Marley, she performed as a headliner at a concert in Central Park, she played 3 sold out concerts in a row in New York, she started her own label, she has drawn inspiration from Verga and mythology, she has also used Arab and French in her songs, she was the first woman in the history of the Club Tenco Awards to win the Tenco Best Album of the Year Prize with the album “Elettra”, she was named Goodwill Ambassador for Unicef and Ambassador for Telefono Rosa (women’s aid helpline), she won the Amnesty International Italia prize for the song “Mio zio” (My Uncle): Carmen Consoli’s career is an award-studded collection of ‘firsts’.